That put me in my place…

My daughter who is seven, is a budding gamer. Really good at it actually. My sister is the family’s computer, phone and internet expert. My daughter, let’s call her Pepper, loves sharing her hobby with her aunt. She was gushing to me about her aunt ‘Minwynn’ being the best at all this. So I said, you know mommy is good at some things too. In this case I thought languages, since though I’m far from a linguist, I am fluent in three languages and know my way around three others, four if you count Latin. Pepper smiled and said: yeah, mommy, you’re great at getting me stuff from the fridge.

Yeah, I’m great at waiting on the kids. Sigh.

Actually, the kids are showing a great deal of interest in languages. For instance, they seem to be almost fluent in English from watching youtube. Pepper also loves, visually, Asian languages. The script. My son, ‘Salt’ too, but he also seems to love Spanish. So I told him mommy knows some Spanish. From school. Well, he has this way of barking out a no sounding like a grown man, though normally he sounds more like a child several years younger than seven. Such a sweet little voice. But this time he silenced me with his harsh no. No, mommy, Spanish is mine.